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Outdated Solarium Back Lantern 1.05y | Enraged Koala

It's bright as the sun. Almost. Wear it on your back!

  1. updated for Enraged Koala

    As always, please let me know if you encounter issues.
  2. recipe shows up properly

    Thanks to renbear for the tip on the tier37 -> level37 change. As always, please message me with any issues.
  3. fixed fixed (I promise)

    Should work without a hitch. As always, let me know if it doesn't.
  4. fixed .pak

    Fix didn't work, .pak still broken. Will fix this weekend. Thanks for your patience.
  5. now in .pak format for Furious Koala

    Let me know if you experience issues.
    FancyPixel likes this.
  6. Fixed an issue experienced by some Windows users & addressed recipe not appearing

    Fixed an issue experienced by some Windows users where the game crashed on start up after installing the mod & addressed recipe not appearing.
  7. Easy Mod Installation

    Now packaged according to the new Angry Koala mod installation methods. All you have to do is unzip solariumlantern.zip into your ~/Starbound/mods folder or whichever folder you have bootstrap.config reading for mods. Cheers!
  8. Fixed frames issue

    I think the dimensions of the back frames grid was altered with Angry Koala—either that or I made a mistake somewhere along the line—and one frame wasn't rendering properly. (A small line of pixels was being cut off and was appearing in front of the player.)

    This issue is now fixed.
  9. Now Compatible with Tabula Rasa

    You can now craft the Solarium Lantern with the Tabula Rasa mod.
  10. Now with convenient subdirectories!

    Added subdirectories for mod assets for convenience's sake. (Don't overwrite current folders with these ones; rather, place the lowermost "~/solariumlantern" folders that contain the .recipe and .back files in the proper location [~/assets/recipes/armor/other & ~/assets/items/armors/backitems] if installing manually.) They are **Free of .DS_Store files** at all levels. Yay!