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Outdated Sofias Song Pack V 1.08

Songs that I wished to share with the community.

  1. Zalgo the GodEater
    Zalgo the GodEater
    Version: V 1.05
    Lovely songs! Although, could I request the song "Mein Teil" as well? It's by Rammstein.
    1. facara
      Author's Response
      Ofcourse you can! :D
  2. RianmakeR
    Version: V 1.01
    Awesome music pack. And add IRON MAIDEN please ?... um.. if you don't mind
    1. facara
      Author's Response
      Could be tricky to make it sound good but Will try! :D
  3. teihoo
    Version: V 1.01
    Like it. Specially songs designed to be played in a band! Good job.
    1. facara
      Author's Response
      Thank you :D I'm happy to hear you like it. So far though the band mechanics does not wanna work. But its there for whenever they fix that :)
  4. Myrmex
    Version: V 1.0
    Very nice! I was looking for some multi instrumental abcs. Sounds great so far.
    1. facara
      Author's Response
      Glad you like it :D I'm working on adding more :)