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Outdated Skyrail Sits [outdated] 1.4.1 and

Sit anywhere!

  1. bug fix for unstable/upbeat giraffe

    tile. and also description upd8. quest must be done in single player or on a server with mod installed.
  2. Skyrail Sits upbeat giraffe version as well as normal version.

    multiple downloads.
    minor documentation changes.
    skyrail rider tech can be via a quest at the TPB (the penguin bay) in the outpost.

    upbeat giraffe version may not work exactly as intended.

    excerpt changelog for upbeat giraffe version:
    todo: don't want the skyrail rider tech to be limited to head slot. what do you think?
  3. minor bug fixes

    from changelog:
    --a bug where the player would fall through a platform if they switch their tech while sitting.
    --a bug where the player would stand up for a split second before sitting back down when they switch from one thing to another.
    -cleaned up some legacy code
    -oops this was supposed to be posted months ago
    also added a license? GPL v3? how do these work? x_x
  4. magic carpets???

    Now featuring the ability to magically sit on LITERALLY NOTHING
    or at least, create the illusion of sitting on something

    mature image below:


    excerpt from changelog:
    -added the ability to sit in the air. Shift + G to hover/unhover. directionals to move. slightly conflicted feelings about having 0 energy cost for hovering.
    -targeting priority now treates players, npcs, monsters...
    Terallis and Princess Tobias like this.
  5. Raised sitting height

    From changelog:
    I /think/ the 0.1 change is good. I find myself adjusting a lot. Maybe the people I play with just have big hats.
  6. Targeting and Performance

    excerpt from changelog:
  7. accessibility tweaks

    updated description for item.
    small addition to readme.
    no changes to actual workings of sitting.

    CorraidhĂ­n likes this.
  8. 1.2.3

    applied targeting priority to newest spawned thing.
    improved safety post-sitting-on-a-moving-thing.
  9. lag improvements. theoretically.

    lag improvements. theoretically.
    I apologize for so many updates in such a short amount of time.
  10. Improved sittingness.

    targeting priority. no longer prioritizes self in an attempt to improve interaction with the rest of the world.