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Skizot's Dozers 4.2.2

Vehicles of mass destruction :)

  1. Damage, Inc.

    if you thought it was cool before, prepare to crap your pants :)
    (calling it final beta as still missing warp animations)

    new - fully damageable/destroyable dozers - destroyed dozers only cost 1 autochip to repair
    new - smoke/fire to indicate how damaged vehicle is
    new - driver changes emotes depending how damaged vehicle is
    new - can walk/ride on treads
    fix - tweak animation for megadozer (movement offsets)
    fix - add megadozer controller for sale (oops, my bad)
    change - redo controller icons (reuse old 'key' icon from unlocker)
    fix - tweak boundBoxes
    crashfix - filter booleans from material name check (caused dozers to crash when digging indestructable shipwall)

    probably even more, but forgotten in the excitement ;)
    dareddevil7 and bk3k like this.
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