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Outdated Shadow Torch v1 2013-12-28

torches that cast shadows, scary!

  1. dyze

    Torches that cast shadows. Could potentially lower your fps if you have a low end rig.

    unzip the file in the starbound mods folder
    (e.g C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Starbound\mods)

    remove the "ShadowTorch" folder from the mods folder..

    Morte Avi, Mister X and Partack like this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Shadow Wolf TJC
    Shadow Wolf TJC
    Version: 2013-12-28
    I'm really enjoying this mod. Say, would you be willing to apply this shadow lighting system to every other light source in the game? If not, then maybe I could take a shot at it?
  2. Shasow
    Version: 2013-12-28
    Much better.
  3. AdachiTheGreat
    Version: 2013-12-28
    Adds realism and it's done flawlessly
  4. Raindrac
    Version: 2013-12-28
    Ha, I thought of this idea just last night! Thanks for saving my time doing it myself. Directional lighting on torches fits wonderfully.