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Outdated Seaforium: A Bomb Mod 1.02

Stop relying on price-gouging frogs or random chests for bombs!

  1. Kyrosiris
    Bombs are fantastic digging and excavation tools. They don't damage the player, and do considerable block damage in a wide area! Unfortunately, they also only come from random treasure chests or the rare and hidden frog merchants. Wouldn't it be better if, once you found or bought your first bomb, you learned how to make them, instead?

    Seaforium does just that. Upon picking up a bomb for the first time, you learn two blueprints: Blasting Powder, made from three cobblestone (and yes, the inspiration for this is World of Warcraft, I regret nothing), and Bombs themselves, made from three Blasting Powder and one Iron Bar (for the casing).

    Due to the nature of this mod (a learnBlueprintsOnPickup stanza), this uses no player.config overrides, and should be compatible with most/all other mods. It also has no dependencies.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
    mannyjb likes this.

Recent Updates

  1. Furious? Get a bomb mod.
  2. Angry Koala Update

Recent Reviews

  1. laouga
    Version: 1.02
    does this mod not work anymore? being able to craft bombs would of been so nice :(. but does not seem to work with my enraged koala version (update 8).
  2. Zereth Deagroth
    Zereth Deagroth
    Version: 1.02
    This is an awesome idea! I felt bad just hoarding bombs away like they were treasure and never using them. Now I won't have to worry about running out.

    I also like Algryen's idea of more bombs. Maybe you'd be willing to make tiered bombs that do more damage in a slightly wider area (or just more damage) as you progress. Maybe use some of the fuels to make higher yield materials.
  3. Algryen
    Version: 1.02
    I like more the plasma bomb but a spam of crafted bomb will be nice :D
    (im waiting for the other bombs if you will create "High-Explosive Gunpowder")
    I was Engineer 600 on WOW ;)