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Outdated SBURBound 0.7.2

Misc. homestuck stuff that doesn't fit in the troll race mod.

  1. Enraged Koala Content Update Hotfix

    Changed the mod files to .modpaks due to the latest content update.
  2. 18/2/14 Enraged Koala Hotfix Update

    • Updated for Enraged Koala
    • Due to popular demand, I have split the core mod files (the items, hairstyles and the like) and the non-essential files (music, interface, etc) in the 7z file. This should let you use the mod without altering any of the game's overall look.
  3. 9/2/14 Update

    • Added Alchemiter support and because of that dependency with my other homestuck mod. (requires new character)
    • Added Dirk and Dave's glasses
    • Added 4 new battle themes (Megalovaniac, Beatdown round 1 and 2 and Sunsetter)
    Have fun!
    karcea and Leinad Werecat like this.