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Outdated Rocket Science 1.3

Rocket Boosters! Because strapping a rocket to your back is FUN!

  1. Speed control, proper costs and tester versions

    Speed Control

    Now you can toggle the speed of your Rocket Boost Mk2 by pressing the F key. This changes the speed from 120 to 50, a more maneuverable speed, and the energy consumption is cut in half. You may notice that it also changes the sound of the engine.

    In future updates it'll change the animation and play a "activated/deactivated" sort of sound effect. As soon as I can figure out how! (any help is very appreciated)...
    GTG3000 likes this.
  2. New Rocket Boost Mk2!

    Rocket Booster Mk2

    Rocket Science, previously Rocket Boost, proudly presents it's second model, the Rocket Boost Mk2. Faster, louder, brighter and much more dangerous!

    Warning: do not fly Mk2 directly towards the ground as it's speed is superior to free fall. Internal bleeding and multiple fractures are to be expected.


    Rocket Light...