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Outdated Rocket Science 1.3

Rocket Boosters! Because strapping a rocket to your back is FUN!

  1. Speed control, proper costs and tester versions

    Speed Control

    Now you can toggle the speed of your Rocket Boost Mk2 by pressing the F key. This changes the speed from 120 to 50, a more maneuverable speed, and the energy consumption is cut in half. You may notice that it also changes the sound of the engine.

    In future updates it'll change the animation and play a "activated/deactivated" sort of sound effect. As soon as I can figure out how! (any help is very appreciated)

    Proper Costs

    For the survivalists out there, the rockets now have proper energy cost and pixel cost. In the next updates they'll also have material recipes, and a dedicated rocketeering crafting system, with new materials and machines. The recipes will be designed following a crafting tree, where several specialized parts must be built from refined materials, in order to build these flame spitting hell beauties.

    Tester Versions

    The low cost rockets have been kept as tester versions for those interested in casual playtesting. They, hopefully, only appear in tabula rasa. The vanilla rockets are available at both tabula rasa and the robotic crafting table.

    The tester rockets are exactly the same, with the speed control and everything, but you can't feel the difference in energy cost since, well, there's almost no energy cost.

    That's all for today, folks!

    The Rocket Boost Mk3 is coming to blow your mind, hopefully in a figurative sense.
    It will feature no less than nuclear power! Because the only thing more entertaining than strapping rockets to your back is strapping a nuclear engine.

    See you guys next time!
    GTG3000 likes this.
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