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Outdated Rock Scanner 1.05

Find your way, underground.

  1. It's back, for Giraffes

    Back by popular demand (a guy tracked me down on the website I podcast on!), Rockscanner is working again. Slightly modified from the previous versions to deal with changes in projectiles... it might look slightly different, possibly run laggier, but it works.
    Thundercraft likes this.
  2. Fixed for pak-ing changes.

    No other changes, but maybe this is the last time I'll have to do a no change update for version compatibility? I hope that's what these changes mean.
  3. Updated for Enraged Koala

    Just a simple modinfo adjustment to get things running in Enraged Koala again. Nothing has changed, things work as before.
  4. Updated for Furious Koala

    Updated and 'Pak'ed for Furious Koala. Nothing else has changed, so it should work as previously.
  5. Removed debug spam

    Removed a bunch of debug log spam... that I seem to be a big fan of leaving in by accident all the time.