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Outdated RoboEgg v2.1a

Extend your limbs capabilities with RoboEgg

  1. Ruffz
    by Ruffz
    ([​IMG] and [​IMG] )

    Sun RoboEgg
    -The previous RoboEgg repainted
    -Use any weapon or tool while riding
    -Increased running speed
    -Drill to move underground or as weapon of mass destruction
    -Too high to collect loot? Tuck your legs and crouch!
    [​IMG](previous version)

    2.Forest RoboEgg (WIP)
    -Use any weapon or tool while riding
    -Increased running speed
    -Fan to blow away monsters (Still not implemented)
    -??? (Still not implemented)

    Press 'G' to acivate/deactivate RoboEgg
    Press 'F' to acivate/deactivate drills or fan
    Press 'space' and directional button to move on air

    1. Download the zip file containing the mod.
    2. Unzip the zip file.
    3. Place the mod folder into your Starbound Mods folder.
    4. Start the game.

    Known bug:
    -For Sun RoboEgg, you can stuck underground while crouching if you press down, hold left/right/space, then release down while still holding the left/right/space. I don't know how to fix this in the code. For now, you can move again if you press down again without holding left/right/space.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Updates

  1. Hotfix
  2. Enraged Koala
  3. Another comrade arrives!

Recent Reviews

  1. OpfahLetsPlay
    Version: v2.1a
    How do i activate the Roboegg? I am pressing G and nothing happens or is there a recipe?
  2. Momentousmario
    Version: v2.1a
    How the heck do i get a propellor?!
    1. Ruffz
      Author's Response
      You can steal one from a floating avian pirate ship.
  3. Evida
    Version: v2.1a
  4. RazoredRaven
    Version: v1.0
    nice mod, was wondering if you could add weapons to it.
    1. Ruffz
      Author's Response
      The drill IS the weapon. Besides, you can use any sword or gun by deactivating the drill.
  5. Mudkipper
    Version: v1.0
    Amazing, Simply amazing
  6. etherealblade
    Version: v1.0
    Wow...You actually created your own custom pilot-able robot? Kudos and gratitude. I love it!
  7. xtomass
    Version: v1.0
    Excellent piece of tech in both use and movement. Could use some work in the design and sprite,but Excellent job nonetheless.

    Also I featured this mod in my Mod List series
    (Can I beg thee to add this video to the description of the mod?)