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Outdated RealPower 0.61

Harness Electricity.

  1. 0.6 Update: Persistent solar power

    Boy... that took altogether too long.

    • Solar panels should now collect power when you are away from them:
      • They collect correctly based on the day/night cycle of the planet while you are on it.
      • If you teleport out and return at a later time, they should gain 50% of the power they would have got had it been daytime for that whole period. It's a lazy approximation, since planets reset their day/night cycle when they unload.
      • WARNING: If you go away from your panels and then quit the game without returning, the extra power is lost.
    • All RealPower objects are now made on the new RealPower crafting table, which itself is made on the Metalwork Station.
    teihoo likes this.
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