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Racial Crafting 1.2.5

racial crafting

  1. maximus1156
    Version: 1.2.5
    really good tnx
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      i'm glad that you like it :) if you notice any bugs, please report them in the discussion. I don't have time to test it, but i'll try to find some time to fix reported bugs ;) (or even add suggested things!) keep in mind that i will need much more time to add novakids set, so it's still not in and won't be soon.
  2. thorn..11
    Version: 1.2.3
    I crave this mod but it doesn't work for me maybe because it isn't 307kb its 316kb when I download
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      You don't know how to use mods and then you review it badly? You should read tutorials how to install mods and contact mod creators when you are having problems with that. Do not set bad review just because you don't know how to install mod.
  3. RadonWalnut
    Version: 1.2.2
    I just downloaded this earlier, and so far its a very good mod and concept, but as a Hylotl, you cannot craft Ornate Tiles without Ornate Roofing, which isn't available without cheating. Tiny Lily Pads also face a similar problem. and must be crafted with Perfectly Generic Items, and those as well must be cheated in. Might want to fix those two small bugs that I've noticed, but otherwise its a great mod!
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      you should contact me before writing this review. I can say that you didn't investigate mod enough to notice that Ornate Roofing are avaible through furnace as they should be, because clay has to be forged before used. About Tiny Lily Pads - true there is a bug that i didn't notice, easy to fix.
  4. fyreman666
    Version: 1.2.1
    This mod is really useful with the Craft All Racial Armors and Weapons mods. I don't normally spend time to make houses, but with his, I just might.
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      I really recommend playing on a server with people who had choosen other races :) it is much more fun!
  5. Varadon
    Version: 1.2 (testing v. FIXED)
    Vielen Dank für die Mühe. Da macht das Spielen gleich 5mal soviel Spaß.
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      Please speak english on this forum. Translate google isn't too good, but this time i could understand what you mean by using this tool. It's nice to know that you like it :)
  6. AntiStoned
    Version: 1.1.4
    I like this mod a lot. A must have for everyone, so I could make houses the way I want it.
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      that's really nice to know :) thanks a lot that you like my mod! :)
  7. Chasekasp
    Version: 1.1
    I checked out that update now its perfectly awesome! It really makes the game more enjoyable to look at and play.
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      I'm really happy that you like it :)
  8. Chasekasp
    Version: Upbeat Giraffe
    This is a really great mod that allows you to use the stuff you pretty much can't find readily. My suggestion to improve it would be make the recipes more accurate for example roof tiles should be make out of clay rather than wood.
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      thanks, i don't know what i was thinking about when i was writing these recipes :) I will change this in next update. I hope i will have more time tommorow to work on this mod.
  9. ispeli3
    Version: 1.1 (nightly)
    I love this mod so much!
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      Thank you! If you have any questions, suggestions or bugs to report - please find me on steam. I have the same nick there :)
  10. Vladislav141
    Version: 1.1 (nightly)
    Long ago it was looking for!
  11. Maks2123
    Version: 1.1 (nightly)
    I like the mod and can't wait for expanding it for humans but is it for unstable or what ? Almost no mod informs about it and in this case I don't see the crafting tables (can't craft them)
    1. tedlil
      Author's Response
      it's for unstable. Will check it now, because if i understand well - you can't see crafting table for humans? Btw - humans have standard crafting (i just added six recipes yet for them), for any questions you can ask me through steam (the same name as here)
  12. KingOfAllNerds
    Version: nightly 17/18 january
    A great resource pack and a great idea. I can't wait to see how this develops in the future.