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Outdated Protoss Logo Ship 1.0

An animated ship created from the Protoss Logo/Ensignia/Symbol

  1. Rizzozo
    For Aiur! A concept ship from the Starcraft universe comes to Starbound.

    I came across a high resolution picture of the Protoss logo (link in the references section at the bottom) and thought that it would make a nice subject for an animated ship project.

    The ship is capable of harnessing a Psionic energy orb which supplies power to the vessel. A massive blast of energy is shot from the orb and propels the ship into warp speed.

    Here's a video to really show the full effect:


    The ship is a Human replacement ship and comes equipped with the Human starter items.

    1. Open the Zip folder
    2. Copy the ProtossLogoShip folder to Stabound's mods folder
    3. The default race is set to human. If you would like to change this, go into the ProtossLogoShip folder and rename the folder from human to the race of your choosing.


    1. Protoss Logo Image:
    2. Orb:
    3. Energy Beam
    Ryu Shinku Hadouken - Marvel Vs Capcom 2
    4. Inside wall panel

    Shout outs

    Starstructor, the Starbound Toolset. I wouldn't have started modding without this great program. Kel^ is the best :)
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.

Recent Reviews

  1. Yoooooooooooooo
    Version: 1.0