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Outdated Plasma Cutter Version 4.0

The Plasma Cutter from Dead Space, added as a weapon.

  1. Chieron
    This mod adds Isaac Clarke's Plasma Cutter, from the Dead Space series, as a weapon. Currently you craft it with some pixels, sheerly as a placeholder until I figure out the recipe to use.

    And because I forgot how descriptions work, here's an alternate link for downloading, if you have issues with getting this page to download.


Recent Reviews

  1. fenicks
    Version: Version 4.0
    This is one of my most favorite mods for Starbound. I always thought that this game should have more Dead Space items in it rather than just the Universalist armor. But, shouldn't it shoot in three straight projectiles, or is it impossible to modify the projectile direction? It's kind of bothersome for me. Anyways, nice job mate. Kudos to you.
  2. Bambaata
    Version: 2.50
    Matter Manipulator^^
  3. Dr.Cherk
    Version: 2.50
    Nice weapon