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Outdated Plant Matters 1.0

Any kind of tree can show up on any planet, and can even mix up new hybrids!

  1. ChocolateySyrup
    This is a very simple mod, made only to remove the hard-link between biomes and types of trees.
    Normally, only certain types of trees can spawn in any given biomes. Forests only have forest trees. Volcanoes only have volcano trees. With so much diversity in the universe, it seemed a shame to restrict trees like that.
    With this mod, any tree can show up on any world. At least, any world that normally grows standard trees. So moons and barren worlds are still empty.
    That's about all it does, real straightforward.
    You could try the alternate Mix-And-Match version! (both are included in the download, please install only one.)
    It's the same thing, but not only does it untie trees from biomes, it even unties trunks from leaves! Now you can get types of trees you never could before, like magma stems with jungle leaves, or flower trunks with brainy leaves, or anything else. Trees will still drop their resources as they should, so a metal tree with eyeballs on it will give you both metal wood and ocumelons. And saplings will still work fine!
    Trees that don't use the normal branch method (like palm trees and baobabs) had to be left out, otherwise they'd look super weird with floating, glitched branches. But just about everything else is added to the big random pool.

    This works by biome, so it WILL affect your vanilla game! Worlds you've already visited won't change, but if you visit new worlds you'll start to see trees you wouldn't normally see. So get out there and explore!

Recent Reviews

  1. Maxiplayer
    Version: 1.0
    i found lot of tree have weird looking, ex: floating leaves, body cut off between brands.
    Great mod over all
  2. angrboda_giantess
    Version: 1.0
    Great mod! Although there's some awkwardness with some trees where the leaves are floating in mid air. Still, a great idea that adds variety!
  3. Baleur
    Version: 1.0
    Brilliant, really cool to see more variety. Just wondering if this is compatible with big mods like Frackin Universe? Will it cause issues or will it just properly "overwrite" the trees as intended?
    1. ChocolateySyrup
      Author's Response
      Any new flora won't interact with this mod, but existing biomes and trees should still have their changes. So I can't imagine there would be any serious conflicts.
  4. Vuldreg
    Version: 1.0
    This is a really good one mod, Will be nice if it's possible to find flesh trees with the oculemon and the brains growing on them instead of wood trees.
  5. ElTacoGato
    Version: 1.0
    Wonderful for variety!
  6. thespookdanger
    Version: 1.0
    this game definitely needs more weird crap going on.