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Phoenix Armory 1.6.2 (Glad Giraffe)

Gettin' down for some serious Lua!

  1. luafest #2: huge thanks to G.Xyon!

    Three major updates! fair warning, though, some ARE GAME BREAKING!
    Firstly, I fixed up the Gullinkambi! grab a new one and see for yourself ;)
    Second/Third (they're pretty closely related): thanks to G.Xyon, the positions of the ranged weapons have all been greatly improved, and the id of Yliaster has been changed to conflict with fewer mods.
    Alright, on to the game breakers:
    The biggest concern is the new Yliaster id. The item itself should be fine, so any you've mined before should be intact. HOWEVER, any generated ore will DESTROY THE WORLD IT INHABITS, or at least that chunk. Yliaster generates on moons, so make sure to check around the surface of any you find important and clear it up.
    Next, the less severely game breaking item (which I REALLY should have mentioned in the last update...
    Any weapons which you made previously will turn into PGIs should you install this or the last update. Also, the Gullinkambi's been updated since the last version, so it will behave differently and will require recrafting to access the new sounds. My apologies, but the switch was necessary and will soon be brought to the melee weapons as well.

    Oh, and that luafest thing?
    That's just a personal event. During this time, I'll be putting some extra effort into Phoenix Armoury, specifically into updating the weapons. It does not mean an accelerated update pace or anything like that. What it DOES mean, however, is that the new content may be a little more exciting.

    Anyway, enjoy the new update, yell at me about the bugs and your ideas, and, obviously, have fun!

    p.s: I say "less severely game breaking" as in it won't cause the same crashing, not in that it isn't as severe a problem. Pls don't hate meh.
    G.Xyon likes this.
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