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Outdated Perfectly Happy Item 1.2.1

Offering moral support and motivation for an aspiring modder when you just can't get things right.

  1. sixxes

    This mod changes one thing in the game- the dreaded perfectly generic item texture that when you see you can't help but think to yourself, "Man. I screwed up again. I should just give up now."

    But have no fear! The smile on the face of this perfectly happy item will brighten your mood, cheer you up, and all manner of other different different ways to describe you being happy!

    Notable quotes include:

    "It's okay. You'll get it next time. Just keep at it!"

    "Aw, bummer. Third time's the charm!"

    "So close! Next time you'll get it for sure."

    ~Perfectly Happy Item

    i realize this is the dumbest mod ever

    To install: place the "Perfectly Happy Item" folder into the mods folder.

Recent Updates

  1. Furious Koala
  2. Compatability

Recent Reviews

  1. ScorpioHex
    Version: 1.2.1
    umm, where to find the item?
  2. Mr Mishmish
    Mr Mishmish
    Version: 1.2.1
    original idea. The block makes me happy :)
  3. Nilly00
    Version: 1.2.1
    i love smileys now i will drop my mod items on servers not only accidently
  4. Damiano de' Caretti
    Damiano de' Caretti
    Version: 1.2.1
    I'm grateful to you for this modification because...it gave me the idea for the "perfectly Italian item"...if you ask,yes,I'm Italian,and I'll make my modification avaible as soon as possible since the first mod-making program will be release in few days...don't suggest me to add spaghetti because I already did,what I need is to make my modification set off...I need...to..COME IN WITH A SPAAGHEEEETTI BOOOWL!!!!!!!!(Miley Cyrus reference)
  5. NzxI-kdc
    Version: 1.2.1
    nice add on

    Thanks for the tip (see discussion).
  6. Sagara
    Version: 1.2
    Hahaha! It's a very nice detail. It may seem to dumb, but it really is cure and sometimes a seemingly little smile can make the difference.
    For those who mod and are in that thing of touching the insides of a game and may screw things sometimes this is a nice mod.
  7. popcar2
    Version: 1.2
    having this thing talk to me gives me satisfaction. throwing it in lava just makes more satisfaction.
  8. NickName
    Version: 1.2
    Very Nice Idea :D
  9. Otactu
    Version: 1.2
    Best Mod Ever :D
  10. yk999
    Version: 1.2