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Outdated PDAOPMachines - being reworked 0.2.1d

Advanced Machines, Tools and over complicated crafting, a cruel nightmare.

  1. more stuff

    - added upgrades for miningtool - laser & drill
    - made nonosuit craftable - WARNING: EXPENSIVE! It's so goddamn overpowerd! - weird textglitch on pants and head piece in widget - due to effects.
    - experminenting with adding new bosses
    - added carbonfibre
    - added nanorobots
    - added nanofibre
    - added different attributes to nanosuit - as following:
    - legs
    - runboost amount:1
    - jumpboost amount: 1
    - healthincrease amount: 500
    - coldprotection amount: 100
    - protection amount: 1000
    - energymodifier amount: 6 - tier10 armor uses amount: 4
    - reducefalldamage amount: 50 - pretty much negates ALL falldmg
    - head
    - glow amount: 1
    - energyincrease amount: 900
    - healthincrease amount: 400
    - coldprotection amount: 100
    - protection amount: 500
    - breathprotection amount: 1
    - chest
    - healthincrease amount: 500
    - coldprotection amount: 100
    - protection amount: 500
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