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Outdated PDAOPMachines - being reworked 0.2.1d

Advanced Machines, Tools and over complicated crafting, a cruel nightmare.

  1. Miningtool Update - have fun searching blueprints!

    - added modulardrill recipes
    - added another drillgrip
    - added drill laser addon
    - redone mininglaser graphic
    - redone drill graphic
    - changed drill/laser part stuff
    - redone mininglaser and drill blueprint/inventory icon
    - renamed mininglaser and drill to Miningtool - Drill/Laser
    - removed all old drill parts
    - added drill module
    - added laser module
    - added miningtool
    - interface changes to drillstation
    - changed drillstation interface graphic
    - changed drillstation custom filter buttons
    - added empty bottle
    - changed dye recipes
    - added glass recipe to smeltery
    - added emptybottle recipe
    - added laser module blueprint
    - added drill module blueprint
    - added laser module recipe
    - added drill module recipe
    - added miningtool blueprint
    - added miningtool recipe
    - added learnblueprintonpickup to different items - miningtool blueprints
    - added miningtool circuit blueprints
    - changed filterbutton "other" to "modules" in drillstation
    - added filled can to glass, emptybottle recipe
    - fixed all miningtool recipes
    - adjusted miningtool laser, drill
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