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Outdated Pandemonium Inc. Laser Weaponry 0.5

High Powered Laser Weaponry!

  1. 0.5 New Patch + Easier Install!

    The Angry Koala patch has made editing your player.config file a thing of the past! Now you just need to place the 'Pandemonium Inc' folder inside your 'starbound/mods' folder and that's it!

    If you are upgrading from a previous version you should delete the 'pandemoniuminc' folder from your 'mods' folder before putting the new 'Pandemonium Inc' folder in.

    Also, this patch fixed the problem with using faster projectiles, so the projectile speed on all of the guns has been doubled.
  2. 0.41 Damage Increase

    I was able to increase the damage on the guns without increasing the energy cost. The guns hit twice as hard now, but that's still toned down from before the patch. I think they feel pretty good now but haven't had a lot of time to test.

    I also deleted some leftover files that shouldn't be used anymore. If there are any problems I'll fix them ASAP.
  3. 0.4 Total Rework + Finished Tiers

    Important - If you are upgrading from a previous version, go into your game and delete any of the rifles and pistols from the mod, and the workbench (click and drag them to the trash can in your inventory), then delete the 'starbound/assets/pandemoniuminc' folder. Put the newly downloaded version in your 'starbound/mods' folder. You should have 'starbound/mods/pandemoniuminc/pandemoniuminc'. (Yes, a pandemoniuminc folder inside a pandemoniuminc folder). You'll still need to add the...
  4. 0.3 Pistol Update

    So I know I said next I'd most likely be finishing up the rifle tiers, but I was playing around with making a pistol sprite and I liked how it turned out, so I worked on that instead.

    If you are updating from a previous version, pick up the Pandemonium Inc. Workbench and place it back down to get the new recipes.

    Other tiers are coming soon I promise. And I also want to get rid of the workbench entirely and add a more interesting way of getting the weapons.
  5. 0.23 Graphics Update

    I updated the sprite for the rifle, it looks halfway decent now. I left the old crappy sprites in there so anyone getting the new version wouldn't have invisible guns. Just be sure to recraft your gun to get the new improved look.

    I also cleaned up and tweaked the other graphics. The beam itself is longer now, and the explosion sprite was a tiny bit off center, so that is fixed now as well.

    Next I will probably add more tiers to the rifle, then work on the other variants. Pistol version...
  6. 0.22 Workbench Graphic Update

    So I replaced the 5 minute artwork on the workbench with 10 minute artwork! Looks a bit better I think. Happy with it now but it'll probably get upgraded again sometime.

    From this: [​IMG] to this: [​IMG]
  7. 0.21 Tiny Tweak

    Fixed an issue (I think) with the explosion config that was sometimes causing double damage.