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Ore Plants+ (RAM's version) v1.64

Converts stuff into seeds. Farm stuff!

  1. Crafting tables?

    I fixed the sounds on the fish tools added by the mod. I added support for all of the Garden Bot robots. Removed coffee from the treasure for the ultimate plants. Looks like those ultimate plants still need a little work. I added about 25 plants.

    All plantables added:

    Creature Capture Station, Fossil Station, Iron Anvil, Iron Crafting Table, Manipulator's Table, Metalwork Station, Pixel Compressor, Refinery, Robotic Crafting Table, Replicator, Atomic Furnace, Separator's Table, Skyrail Crafting Table, Stone Furnace, Wiring Station, Wooden Cooking Table, Wooden Crafting Table, Yarn Spinner, Mining Bot v49r, LumberBot v86g, Guardin'Bot v87g, Garden Bot v80g, Garden Bot v81g, Garden Bot v82g
    Esreadel and LoPhatKao like this.
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