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Outdated [OBSOLETE] Processor Recipe [Nightly 03/08/2014] 1.1

Recipe to craft processor item at iron crafting table, unlocked on titanium ore pickup.

  1. non-packed version to try to debug packing process

    I think version 1.0 may be broken.
    I used ModPackHelper to pack it and everything seemed to go fine, but when I tried to unpack it there was an error, and looking into the log file of ModPackHelper I see there was an error when trying to pack it in the first place.
    Mon 04/08/2014 17:48:11.89
    Exception caught: (EofException) Error, unexpected end of file found 1 0 0
      0045F244 asset_packer.exe
      00422C9A asset_packer.exe
      0042639C asset_packer.exe
      00427C66 asset_packer.exe
      00427E21 asset_packer.exe
      00458A6D asset_packer.exe
      0046570A asset_packer.exe
      00465670 asset_packer.exe
      00402D4E asset_packer.exe
      004D8DF6 asset_packer.exe
      00401413 asset_packer.exe
      00401585 asset_packer.exe
    I've tried packing it manually by going to the location of the asset_packer.exe in a command prompt window and executing the command:
    asset_packer.exe ..\mods\processorRecipe ..\mods\processorRecipe.modpack
    But it resulted in the same error.

    The mod works in an non-packed state, so I'm uploading a zip of that as version 1.1 and maybe someone can troubleshoot the packing process for me...
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