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Outdated Neko's Clothing Mod 1.00 Actual

Neko's latex and leather clothing mod (Now an Actual Version Number!)

  1. Version 1.00 Actual! (No more confusing Alpha/Pre-Alpha Names!)

    The new update includes a hand full of things.

    Version 1.00 Actual Change Log
    - Latex Sera's Victoria Uniform from Hellsing!
    - Latex Hatsune Miku Costume ( Original costume courtesy of Aikaph)

    # FIXES
    - Fixed Latex Long Sleeve and Latex Sweat Pants not appearing in crafting menu
    - Fixed the nun-skirt not appearing when equipped
    - Reworked the crafting recipes for Rubber Sheets and Glue, no longer requires as much pixels and material
    - Some recipes made a touch more challenging to craft (like captains cap requiring a single gold bar now)

    - Changed version numbering from Alpha/Pre-Alpha to actual Version Numbers now
    - Updated mod web page to include text from read-me as well as better written then past versions
    - Mod main picture updated, may change with each (major) versions to reflect new additions
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