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Outdated Neko's Clothing Mod 1.00 Actual

Neko's latex and leather clothing mod (Now an Actual Version Number!)

  1. Neko's Clothing Mod - PRE-ALPHA 4.00 (Not quite ALPHA 4.00 yet >_< )

    Alternative Download Link : https://www.mediafire.com/?tn7gapii4w8qtam

    !!!Upbeat\Spirited Giraffe Compatible!!!

    Neko's Clothing Mod - Pre-Alpha 4.00
    - Pre-release (still rough and ugly, may contain some minor errors)
    - Updated to latest stable (Upbeat Giraffe)
    - All clothing has some protection, health bonus or a bit of both.
    - Item names now color coded depending on what they are.
    Orange = Ingredient
    Green = Casual (everyday stuff like shirts and pants)
    Yellow = Formal (like Dresses, uniforms, buisness suits, etc)
    Pink = Special (ANything special like nurse outfit or costumes, as
    well as accessories

    [New Items]
    - Latex Tube Top (with and without gloves)
    - Latex Fishnets
    - Latex Skirt with Fishnets
    - Latex Skirt with leggings
    - Latex Nun Outfit
    - Latex Seras Victoria Uniform (Seras from the Anime Hellsing)
    ... and ppossibly some more that I forgot.

    - Include a full gallery/preview of all the clothing
    - Clean up any remaining nigglies or errors
    - Somehow fix missing preview picture/sprites when crafting (item still shows up on
    body, just not on the blank mannequin like thing in the crafting menu)
    - Show how order the list by name color
    - Add more items (like costumes)
    - ?Improve/Replace Fetish Crafting Bench with better graphics?
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