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Outdated Neko's Clothing Mod 1.00 Actual

Neko's latex and leather clothing mod (Now an Actual Version Number!)

  1. ALPHA-3.6 "Head Accessories" UPDATE!!

    ALPHA-3.6 Update
    Finally Decided to get some stuff I wanted
    to do.

    On top of that, now with the set up, people
    can start dressing up to suit certain roles.
    For example, IMO, the mask, top with gloves,
    and fish nets can make for a kinky latex
    kunoichi (female ninja). Just add a katana
    or knives and you'll be ready to kick-butt!

    The Nurse outfit is more obvious.... and I
    feel the latex scarf with the long sleeve
    shirt and skirt w/ leggins has a sort of
    "Hipster" look >_<

    - New Stuff
    * Bra and Panties
    * Sleeveless Top with Gloves
    * Nurse outfit (top, skirt, and cap)
    * Tee-Shirt
    * Long Sleeve Shirt
    * Skirt with Leggings
    * Dress (Top and skirt)
    * Fish Net
    * Fish Net with Skirt

    - Head Accessories!
    * Kitty Hood
    * Kitty Cap
    * Captains Cap
    * Mask
    * Scarf
    * Scarf with Mask


    1. clothingmod_alpha_3.6.png
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