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Outdated Na'vi 3.0 Upbeat Giraffe

Na'vi from James Cameron's Avatar

  1. haynesy566
    Version: 2.0
    Great mod, looking forward to future updates, will this come with custom weapons and racial armour?
    1. SlaxX
      Author's Response
      I hope so :D someday.. i think the first thing will be a T10 bow...
  2. Vampiz
    Version: 1.0.1
    Pleeaaassee update this! Only Na'vi mod I've found and it looks brilliant, but can't be used with Furious Koala :c
  3. rawrdragon
    Version: 1.0.1
    A good start! Some clothes would be great. Though the long narrow eyes are a bit odd.
    1. SlaxX
      Author's Response
      Thanks for your rewiew! maybe i will make some clothes after i fixed some npc issues... but its not easy, the na'vi dont have many different clothes ^^
  4. Jhon Jhonson
    Jhon Jhonson
    Version: 1.0.1
    very good