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Munari Race 2.1.8, For Starbound 1.3

Adds an aquatic like race called the Munari

  1. Small Update - Racial Acceptance

    -added a munari crafting table to craft most munari objects.
    *for pre existing characters you will learn the recipes on pick up with the munaricraftingtable* (prepare for recipe spam)
    -updated the organgun to have a charged shot.
    (both organ gun and organ knife have had their files renamed. You may need to recraft them.)
    -munari items and objects should now be craftable by other races.
    -cleaned up some item details to match with vanilla scheme.

    (If I missed any item that you believe should be crafable, learned, or was simply missed, let me know in the discussion section.)
    Agoraphobian and AndreasDragon like this.
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