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Outdated Moveable Ship Parts (GladGiraffe) 1.1

A simple mod that lets you move the captain's chair, fuel tank, etc. around on your ship.

  1. Version 1.1: Parts are now craftable

    The Captain's Chair, Ship Locker, Teleport Pad, Research Station, and S.A.I.L. Station are now craftable in the basic crafting menu [C].
    The Captain's Chair, Ship Locker, Fuel Hatch, Teleport Pad, and S.A.I.L. Station are now craftable in the 3D Printer for 1 pixel each

    This way, you won't be stuck if you trash the items. The craftable items use the Apex visuals for now.

    (I tried to have every item craftable in the basic crafting menu, but for some reason the fuel hatch doesn't show up in...