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Outdated More Capes! 1.3.2

...because who doesn't love more options?

  1. Fixed meat cape

    The Green Calx
    Fixed the meat cape (thanks to naithaan for pointing it out)
    naithaan likes this.
  2. Fix link

    The Green Calx
    Fixed download link.
  3. Compatibility update

    The Green Calx
    Updated to be compatible with v. Furious Koala.
    Stay tuned for more content!
  4. Another new cape, plus more info

    The Green Calx
    Another update!

    v1.3 brings you a meat cape, which will help keep you warm.
    I've also added more documentation regarding the status effects provided.

  5. v1.2 - 2 new capes

    The Green Calx
    v 1.2 brings you 2 new capes:

    Ferozium Cape
    Snow Cape

    Also the glow effects have been toned down a bit.
  6. Updated to Beta v. Angry Koala and Bug Fixes

    The Green Calx
    This mod has now been updated to work with Beta v. Angry Koala.
    Thanks to changes in how mods are loaded, Tabula Rasa is no longer required to use this mod. Instead, you can craft the items at the yarn spinner.
    Also, a few bugs have been fixed in the recipes and the Rubium, Cerulium, and Violium capes should now be properly craftable.