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Outdated Minigun 1.1

Blast them into nothing.

  1. Agent Abbott

    This mod adds a Minigun with custom sounds.


    Craft it at the workbench with 25 steel bars and 2 steel chains.


    If the custom sound does not work, tell me, I'll put a separate download and instructions for the sound file.

    What gun should I make next?
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before including this mod in a compilation.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.

Recent Updates

  1. Tabula Rasa Recipe

Recent Reviews

  1. Spotty
    Version: 1.1
    can you make this mod work with the Ponex mod? plz
  2. ProkhorVLG
    Version: 1.1
    Looks unfinished... black outlines don't work well in Starbound, and there are still white spots in between the barrels on the front of the gun.
  3. doomweapon66
    Version: 1.0
    Hey, do you think you can make this mod craftable at the tabula rasa because oddly i cannot find the minigun in the metal working station?
    1. Agent Abbott
      Author's Response
      Sure, I'll do this now.