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Outdated Mega Locker 0.1

adds a very big 384-slot container that you can put anything in it

  1. wzx1996
    This mod simply adds (at the moment) a big container called "Mega Locker" that has 384 slots, so that you can put anything in it without being lack of space.

    To install, unzip the zip file and throw the "MegaLocker" folder into the "mods" folder.

    To get the locker, use wooden crafting bench to craft it and it will cost 50 pixels, then simply stick it on wall like the ship locker and you can open it.

    Caution: this mod may cause some lagging due to the large UI, and may not work well if your display resolution is lower than 1440X900 (unless you install some mod that can make the UI size smaller).

    Future plans:
    1.make various kinds of locker that have different marks and/or colors, in order to sort items;
    2.draw a better UI and some item icons;
    3.rebalance the cost of the lockers;
    4.make a special crafting bench to craft all the lockers.

    Well, I am very busy at present and probably not going to update it in the following 4 months. But for the time being, it works fine.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.


    1. mega locker.png
    Truthowl likes this.