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Outdated Mechanian Race Mod (WIP) 0.6.0

Militaristic mercenary android

  1. Gear Up!!

    It's been long since my last update but currently nothing much have been added since I am very demotivated by decreased download rates and flinched by a space hobo with faulty rating,
    this update will only have tier 7 and tier 8 gears, guns not included by that result. Also some minor bug fixed that I sometimes find it annoying.

    -fix mechanian armory station being flippable.
    -fix masking on tier 5 and 6 head gear.
    -added tier 7 and tier 8 gear, excluding guns.(armor and swords still included)

    I have to skip the previous planned secondary back equipment for a more favorable branching back equipment upgrade at EVERY TIER to bypass that requirement for release goal.

    Meanwhile I'll have to made the original guns more rare even to mechanian. Don't worry tough you can find the gun and even its recipe from abandoned facilities and even purchase from a merchant when I add one in the upcoming update.

    Luckily you wont need a new save for this update but as I said it'll be sometime till the next update with tier 7 and 8 guns.
    If things still going down hill I may consider shutting down this mod.
    And please report any bugs or imbalance during gameplay
    n00b3rpwn4g3 likes this.
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