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Outdated Mechanian Race Mod (WIP) 0.6.0

Militaristic mercenary android

  1. Red reploid?

    Hmmm that mechanian looked very familiar but with a few things off(or a lot), anyway back to this content update,
    -Tier 6 gears added(armors, melee weapons and guns)
    -Guncrafting is moved to the new Mechanian Armory Station
    -Back equipment received tier 6 upgrade
    -Gunpod received alternative fire system(launch grenade by clicking mouse 2)
    -Jetpack received glider (now you dont have to constantly tap left or right to keep flying to your desired direction)
    -Revamped guncrafting recipe (now it's a little more complex than last one)
    -Flak Lobber is moved from tier 5 to tier 6 and tier 5 grenade launcher is replaced with a normal grenade launcher.
    -Weapons rebalanced, massively (why didn't you guys tell me it's very out of balance, it's that I've decided to take a full scale test that I noticed, no more cheaty stuff now and please report any bug or anything out of balanced in the discussion thread)

    Could've forgotten a few things but you guys will figure out.
    A second commando equipment is in the works but hit a huge road block, if you think you could help try exploring the main file(you'll find something that not normally meant to be found) just inside tech/mech/mechanianmissilepod there's a image to guide what you should do. I also might work on custom dungeon generation(mostly abandoned mechanian outpost/hangar) and it'll be atleast a week till next update. (Also I should work on artworks to increase appearance of this mod's page)
    That's all I guess

    EDIT: You must have a new save to use the new update(sorry but that's the only way)
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