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Outdated Mechanian Race Mod (WIP) 0.6.0

Militaristic mercenary android

  1. Gear Up!! (guns version)

    Sorry for being too long from the last update, got some trouble IRL also brainstorming new guns mechanics for the tier 7 split as well as gun design tank me too much time. Let's see here's the change log:

    -New branch of guns, sniper rifles branch to railguns and sniper rifle, assault rifle branch to auto cannon and machine gun, grenade launcher branch to rocket launcher and grenade launcher, shotguns branch to shotgun and flamethrower.
    -Railguns fires a super fast bullet that can put a hole on any blocks.
    -Flamethrower fires fire(self explanatory).
    -Auto cannon fires low damage explosive proximity shells rapidly.
    -rocket launcher fires a rocket/shell that detonate in proximity.

    -Added Cold Protection and breath protection to tier 3 and tier 6 back equipment upgrade respectively
    -Changed starting gear to token(exchange it for the respective back equipment in the mechanian upgrade station).
    -Made short swords/machete directional(daggers excluded).
    -Fixed scout's jetpack offsetting while jumping.

    I'll take a break long now so I wont be revealing what will the next update be. But I'll be rushing to release bypassing a few goals if I have to, also get to rework ship design for the upcoming ship upgrade(should I get a contest on designing new ships? I really dont have much idea for a larger ship should looked like.)

    And remember to give feedback and bug reports to the discussion section. Your comments are very much appreciated.
    n00b3rpwn4g3 likes this.
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