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Outdated Mechanian Race Mod (WIP) 0.6.0

Militaristic mercenary android

  1. First Hotfix/patch

    A little thanks to EpicNomming to notice a drop of framerate on the mechanian's ship and ProkhorVLG for resolving this issue. The ship might lost some lightning but the end result look like this:
    (some ambient light from the engine is visible, the wings ,stabilizers and the visible bottom of the ship are shadowed at the edge, it all looked nice to me)

    Please never hesitate to report any bug that you have confirmed is from my mod as long as you do include the description of the bug, the starbound log file and a list of your installed mod just incase.

    -Fix framerate drop on mechanian's ship
    n00b3rpwn4g3 likes this.
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