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Outdated MC Crafting 1.0

Adds Minecraft style crafting to Starbound

  1. trevtrev800
    Minecraft Style Crafting in Starbound
    For those nostalgic Minecraft players out there who just can't get enough of that shaped crafting.

    **Modding Community, please see the note at the bottom about reuse and contributing to this mod.

    Here is how it works:
    Build the MC Crafting Bench from the normal crafting interface.

    Start crafting just as you would back in Minecraft:

    Please Note:
    This Mod is far from complete. I have only put in a handful of recipes so far.

    darkwoodmaterial (stick)
    chestavian2 (chest)

    ** My expectation going into this mod was to have it be a community driven mod. There is no way that I can produce all of the recipes needed to make this mod great. What I have done is put together the basic mechanism for doing Minecraft style crafting and come up with a very easy method for creating recipes.

    My hope is that anyone who would like to contribute to the mod via adding recipes would do so (all contributions would be given credit where credit was due)
    Anyone who would like to use my code for generating their own Minecraft based crafting mod would do so. I would like to spread the use of this base code to anyone who wants to use it.

    I will also be posting this on the "What are you working on?" forum thread.

    I will soon post basic instructions about how the mod works, and how to create your own recipes.

    One last note. If there is already something out there like this that I did not know of, I apologize. I did a quick search of the current mods and did not find it.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
    Stephencraft likes this.

Recent Reviews

  1. Demosthenes
    Version: 1.0
    This mod has lots of Potential. I may add a recipe or two in the near future.
  2. toxikskull258
    Version: 1.0
    Very nice mod, but yeah only for people who really like minecraft, seeing how it just makes the crafting a bit more confusing :P
    1. trevtrev800
      Author's Response
      That's right it does, doesn't it. :-) Thanks for the good review.