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Makeshift Multiplayer 0.3.7

A temporary solution.

  1. Animals, buildings, bugfixes.

    Hopefully fixed tier 1 loading marriage house thing?
    Fixed animal affection not going up for non-host actions.
    Hopefully fixed two people opening a chest at the same time.
    Fixed opening chat during eating a stardrop causing the stardrop to not take effect.
    Hopefully fixed leftover pet multiplication.
    Fixed stuff not updating for other people inside farm buildings.
    Maybe fixed some post-festival console spam?
    Made farm hay (silo contents) sync.
    Hopefully fixed client NPCs sometimes getting stuck in initial positions (door positions being solid/missing blah blah).
    Fixed (and hopefully didn't break) animal home location not syncing.
    Made building creation/deletion sync.
    Made building animal door and (hopefully) upgrade time sync.
    Fixed clients loading files with spaces in the name.
    Fixed stuck open chests?
    Fixed not everyone getting bundle page completion awards (like bulletin board friendship).
    Fixed console spam from the secret woods slimes.
    Made buying/selling animals sync.
    Made chat properly receive while waiting for others to sleep.
    Attempted fix for NPC stuck + doors missing/black void and stuff. (THIS IS WHY THE UPDATE TOOK SO LONG.)
    Seemingly fixed client house upgrades. (WELL, AND THIS TOO.)
    foghorn likes this.
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