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Outdated Lumi Stick 1.2

Don't mine without these!

  1. meterroz
    Hi guys this is my first mod so please don't expect too much of it :)

    - Better than flares
    - Craftable from any crafting tables
    - Can buy from Infinity Express
    - Makes mining visibility easier
    - Each stick lasts upto 30 minutes

    Just copy and paste it into your starbound mods folder.
    Example <C:\Starbound\giraffe_storage\mods\LumiStick.modpak>

    Before deleting modpak file, make sure you trash away all Lumi Sticks from your inventory slots, quick slot (top bar) and storage objects (chests, lockers, etc.).

    Delete old version first before attempting to put it into the mods folder.
    Mod Pack Permissions:
    Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
    Mod Assets Permissions:
    You must get the author's consent before altering/redistributing any assets included in this mod.


    1. screenshot.png

Recent Updates

  1. Lumi Stick
  2. Lumistick update 1.1