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Lucario Race 1.3.4 2.2

Now you can be a fluzzy Lucario!!!

  1. Ship UPDATE!!!

    This took me forever to do but it was worth it. I am sorry for the wait everyone.

    so first off...

    Sorry for having to make the download via Mediafire

    So..... the website won't let me upload the mod here so I had to do this.

    A few Things before you download the mod!!!
    -Remove all furniture from your current ships if you are a lucario!!!
    -Remove all items from your Storage Locker!!!!
    -Trap the Jackal in the Cabin!!!
    -You must Upgrade your ship to fix it!!
    -If you are already Tier 8, then use the command /spawnitem shipT8!!!

    -Ships 1-8
    -Fuel Hatch
    -Ship Doors
    -Ship Locker
    -Ship added to starter mission
    -Ship added to escaping Earth cut scene

    -All optimizations from Alpha contained in Discussion included

    -Merchant NPC (Alpha) given by Beethoven__ has been included. This merchant may receive a future update upon dialog and outfit being created. Beethoven__ has been added to credits.txt

    Please remember to report any bugs you may find!! This is still Early Access BETA!!
    Ujaya1990 and DarkDragons like this.
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