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Lucario Race 1.3.4 2.2

Now you can be a fluzzy Lucario!!!

  1. NPC Temp Fix

    -Dialog patches modified or removed
    -Dialog on npcs fixed
    -Lucario race removed from Random Guard tenants temporarily
    -Custom Lucario Quest Dialog temporarily removed
    (Quests taken from a lucario may delete themselves or error for the first load)
    -Terramart Shipper fixed
    -Stray pixels on one pose of lucario sprites fixed
    -Some additional dialog added to the lucario

    Mod Support, feedback, and improvements suggested by DaWrecka and Dilrax Stormpaw. Some have been applied

    Temporarily removed assets will return when patch files are sorted out completely and new npc options are made.

    You can spawn a lucario guard tenant using one of the lucario objects: Lucario Bed and/or Big Mega Lucario Statue if placed in home with a weapons chest. Spawn normal tenants by placing a lucario item without the weapon chest.

    Additional note: DaWrecka has been added to the credits.txt document hidden in the mod
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