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Outdated Lights On Sticks [WIP] 0.1.3A

Provides wearable lights beyond the simple Lantern Stick. Now Tiered, with each tier brighter.

  1. Added Preserved-Glow Stick - New Material Item! - More Bug Fixes

    All tiers are complete! The Preserved-Glow Stick requires a new material - Permafrost - as well as a Yellow Stim Pack to create. Permafrost can be created with fifteen snowflakes, which can be found by smashing ice chunks on the surface of snow planets.

    I've also realized my last bug fix created more bugs. Hopefully there are no more.

    I'll update the main page with images in the morning. Enjoy!

    Also, just a quick reminder that this mod is very much in the beta stage, so there will be more frequent updates and bugs to come. If you experience any issues with the mod, please check that you have the latest version first, and then let me know about it!
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