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Outdated Lazarus Dungeons Glad Giraffe early update

| 8 Generated Dungeons | 5 Mission Worlds | Unique Outpost |

  1. The server warning update

    @RaginCajun spotted a lethal bug which shuts down the server.
    I have advised everyone in the readme for everyone on the server to install, or they will crash.
    The other clients don't like the generated bit of the Lazarus Sword/Avian Machinegun.

    I advise all of you to read the readme, it will save a lot of time.

    Thank you!
    G.Xyon likes this.
  2. Foreshadowing

    An update will come tomorrow, with a little surprise :)
    Thanks @misterwho for sparking this idea!
    G.Xyon and misterwho like this.
  3. Minor note :/

    I am not able to add minibiome- specific dungeons as there is no .config file.
    Sorry! I will try to think of something else to add.
    G.Xyon likes this.
  4. Minibome update peek

    The next update will include different temples if there is a minibiome.
    Will change all moon banners to something unique.

    Remember, I got school though! :mwahaha:
    misterwho likes this.
  5. The Sandstone update!

    I have updated the temples so they are made of sandstone.
    If you don't like this, hit my inbox.
    (In future I might include a .pak which generates them in soft brick included in the zip)
    I also fixed a bug which stopped one dungeon house from spawning.
    In future I will make special minibiome dungeons!!

    Let's get past 300.
    Thank you!
    G.Xyon likes this.
  6. 'nother update

    Another update coming very soon! :)
    Prepare yourselves!

    Feel free to hit my inbox for ideas which could be included :)
    ThaOneDon likes this.
  7. Village Variation update!

    I have added 2 more villages.
    • A variation of the normal village
    • A destroyed village overrun by prisoners
    I have added a installation readme with two .pak files to suit your preferences.
    This is to stop unwanted asset stealing.

    Here is a screenshot of the overrun village:

    Please read the readme ( that's what it's for )

    ThaOneDon likes this.
  8. The Village Update!

    This update adds
    • A Village! ( More variations coming soon )
    • 3 new npc types ( Prisoners, Scouts and Medics )
    • Extended treasurepools ( 3 items per chest! )
    A captured section of the village:

  9. Enormous update will be out today!

    This update will include a village with grenerated and unique parts, 1 new objects, 3 new npc types and extended treasure pools ( 3 or 2 items per chest now )
    G.Xyon likes this.
  10. The Prison Update!

    Please update this mod if it is in your modpack.

    -This update fixes a broken icon file as I opened it in Paint :mwahaha:
    -I have added a symbol for the Lazarus pit status effect for convenience.
    -Also, the update adds a prison dungeon with new prisoner npcs.

    Here is a screenshot: (the dungeon generates without the creative box, of course)