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Latexians Latexians Racemod

Latex, Hightech, PG Rated

  1. Latexian Reboot Version for Starbound 1.2

    Xentor Antarix
    After longer time and work I made it to repair the Latexians.
    Sadly the Mod has one small left over problem I can not fix myselfe. I hope I get a bit help.
    But this problem is only a beautyproblem, the mod works completely.
    Problem: the tiny headpicture in the specyselection shows not. You find the Latexians in the next free button of your specyselectiontool (After the last specy with a picture).

    - Whisdomcrystal deleted
    - Added 2 custom Craftingstations (Latexian Factory, Latexlab)
    - Added custom soundfiles
    - Added 2 custom liquids (Liquid Latex, Siliconoil)
    - Reworked the LAtexian Teleporter Artwork.
    - Crafting of items (all items) has been moved to the Latexian Factory.
    - The 2 new liquids are produceable in the Latexlab
    - Both Craftingstations are craftable with the vanilla Inventor Table
    - Vanilla Stabround Protectorintro has been refittet to fit to the Mod (Replaced the standartship)

    To come:
    - New Artworks for the Ships (In Profgress)
    - Colonists (If I ever find how this works)
    - New Clothings (In Progress)
    - Fix of the Specy selection bug. (as soon as possible)
    KateisLost likes this.
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