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Latexians Latexians Racemod

Latex, Hightech, PG Rated

  1. Latexians (Colonists & Bugfixes)

    Xentor Antarix
    This time a quit big update.
    It will not require you to start a new game, but to pick up the Latexian factory to add a new recepie.

    - Colonists
    I made it (learned form other Mods) to work in colonists.
    -- Normal villager
    (Minimum 1 Latexian furniture)
    -- Friendly guard
    (Minimum 1 LAtexian furniture and a Weaponchest)
    -- Cookmechand (Somehow he has the wrong pool for to sell goodies)
    (Minimum 1 Latexian Furniture and the Latexian cookingtable or Lasergrill)
    -- Scientist (Researcher)
    (Minimum 1 Latexian Furniture)
    -- Normal Merchand
    (Minimum 1 Latexian Furniture and a Latexian Chest or Subspacecabinet)
    -- Crewmembers
    (Obtainable like in vanilla gaming by Quests)

    - Combatibility Fix:
    I found out, that many recepies used materials that do notmore apear in the vanila game (like Laserlense, and Uranium). So I reworked the recepies that needed these things to make the mod total stand alone. Sorry for the problems this made perhaps.
    -- Added a new Item, the "Energyumrod". this Rod is made outof Solaium and Erchiuscrystal. It is used in the Endgamecontentitems. And can too be used as shipfuel. It is craftable in the LAtexian Factory. (Please deconstruct it and plac eit again to learn the new recepie)

    -- Fixed the Racedescription
    -- Fixed many wrong Itemnames
    -- Fixed that the refrigerator worked not as refrigerator.
    -- Fixed the Armors, the used the old System what resulted in technical immortility yet at Tier 4 Armors. Now they are balanced to the normal Armorsystem
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