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Lamia Race Mod 0.9.2

Snakes on a Spaceship

  1. Ship Art and Tenants

    -Added art for all ship tiers
    -Added racial tenants/guards
    -Added placeholder Lamia Bed and placeholder Lamia Lamp(should be available at workbench)
    -Added Snake Cannon(uncraftable, wip)(spawn with "snakecannon")
    -Added Caduceus Staff(uncraftable, wip)(spawn with "cadustaff")
    -Added (vanilla) starter clothes from other races to character creation
    -Changed recruitable.lua to give lamia crewmembers the protectorate sock as the default uniform. Should still be compatible with crew mods; at worst, default lamia crewmembers will have legs
    -Changed Acrobatic Broadsword and Parry Broadsword to cost iron instead of tungsten
    -Wave Sword special no longer does damage, but has been given crazy range and knockback
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