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Lamia Race Mod 0.9.2

Snakes on a Spaceship

  1. Armor and Socks

    Update time! Welcome to version 0.7!
    -All tiers of armor are in game, craftable, and funtional:
    Some are still very clunkily designed and may be changed in the future.

    -Added some new clothes:

    -The dark set has been given a craftable "sock," for lack of a better word. If you find some Dark Disguise legs, you can take them to the spinning wheel and craft them in to the lamia version.
    -The protectorate armor has also been given a lamia fit; It is not currently craftable, but will be available in your ship locker until I figure out how to add it to the tutorial sequence.

    -Ship pet has been changed from the vanilla bunny to the vanilla snake

    -Squashed some bugs:
    -fixed missing ship sprite in the tutorial escape sequence
    -fixed missing warp animations
    Quetzal 1453 and Saint Apollyon like this.
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