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Outdated Kobold Race v0.1 Giraffe Like Kobold

A savage race of unintelligent, but adorable kobolds.

  1. Altarbolds: Salves, Settlements, and FREEDOM!

    They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freegnkemneughlus!

    • Altar Overhaul
      • Recipe made more accurate (20 cobblestone)
      • Added copper sacrifices (copper, leather, and meat)
      • Added spirit salves (using golden salve created with valley herbs and glass)
    • Settlement Expansion
      • Added two huts that now spawn next to the shaman's hut with kobolds and extra loot.
      • Improved loot tables
    The Element and Shadewarp like this.
  2. Hot fixing the hot fix.

    Hopefully this went through before anyone downloaded!
    -Fixed random name gen crash
    -Added forlorn mask
    -Added forlorn guards (currently not working, but hanging around in any case)
    -Made it so that all dungeons spawn, not just kobold ones like in the previous hot fix.
  3. Bug Fixes, More Names, and Valley Herbs

    Sorry to be following an update so quickly with another one!

    This is another pretty small one to address a couple of bugs pointed out by @Sandling. It also has a couple of extra features because I hate to be as boring as just a bug fix!

    • 2 bug fixes with items (Plump Helmets and Kobold Spawners)
    • Added the not very filling, but eventually brewable Valley Herb as unique kobold crop.
    • Added a whole bunch of new names to the available options.
    • Added several gods...
    Setrilo likes this.
  4. Compatibility Fix: Furious Kobold

    This is a pretty small update overall. It fixes compatibility with Furious Koala (hopefully), adds the new Shaman Kobold NPC (minus spawner, individual clothing, and item drops), and adds the altar (minus functionality).

    On the plus side, it does have an (albeit temporary) first tier armor for kobolds finally! Yay!
    Shadewarp likes this.
  5. Added Very Basic Village, Plump Helmets



    • Added 1 house kobold settlements (allows access to kobold recipes, lore when available, and kobold spawners. At this time, they are a little bit empty and in need of expansion, but now NPC kobolds actually exist which is a pretty big deal)
    • Added plump helmets (unique kobold crop)
    So this is a pretty small update in terms of content, but it does mark some possibilities. For one thing, it now allows you to...
  6. v0.21: Non-Playabold Characters and Bug Fixes

    Changelog Version 0.21

    -Fixed a couple of game-breaking problem
    -Added kobold NPCs to the profession spawners
    -Added craftable kobold villager spawner (until villages are done)
    -Added kobold hunting spear, an appropriately tiered weapon that includes hunting as starter

    This is a small update that is perhaps a bit out of sequence for how modding races usually goes. This adds in kobold NPCs to the profession spawners, adds a temporary villager...
  7. Kobolds v0.2 (Armoredbolds)

    Tier 0.5 Armor is here! Expect to see much more of this kind of thing.

    -Switched the Matter Manipulator for the Stone Axe
    -Added a wooden shovel (poorly, poorly sprited...)
    -Reworked tutorial quests to ensure progress
    -Removed defense from panties on your head (kept cold protection)
    -Made monsters drop bones with hunting weapons
    -Created recipes for starting gear (and removed human starting gear)
    -Created tier 0.5 armor, the bone...
  8. v1.15: Clothedbold

    Changelog for v0.15 (Clothedbold)
    -Added two new colors (brown and blue-grey)
    -Got frustrated with how colors work
    -Stopped working on colors
    -Added 4 new starting pants and 1 new starting shirt.
    -Colored one of the pants (the ragged loincloth)
    -Added 3 more colors to each of the existing warpaints
    -Added NPC villager reactions to kobolds
    -Added MORE kobold names


    This will likely be the last update...
    Etherdreamer likes this.
  9. Quick Name Fix

    Missed a comma!

    Posting to fix that. Sorry whoever was the first downloader!