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Outdated Kobold Race v0.1 Giraffe Like Kobold

A savage race of unintelligent, but adorable kobolds.

  1. Wolf Spirit Swords, Codexes Galore, Snake Temples

    This was kind of a big update in terms of the direction of the mod. For one thing, it includes the second kobold-specific weapon, a class of randomly generated weapons crafted using wolf spirits. These are comparable to tier 1 weapons, though because they are randomly generated may be a little better or worse than regular ones. They also count as hunting weapons which makes them extra useful!


    Additionally, there are a ton of little additional changes. This first one is kind of the big one because it has a lot of moving parts behind it. Please let me know about any bugs you come up with because I can almost guarantee there will be at least a couple! Additionally, feelings on balance are more than welcome!

    • Wolf Spirit Changes
      • Added tier 1 wolf swords. These are craftable using wolf spirits, replacement for dog spirits with radically improved image. Currently there is only one handle and blade, but these ARE randomly generated weapons with their own unique name pool which may be expanded with time.
      • Added wolf helmet (currently set to tier 3 helmet)
      • Added Wolf Callers: Lost Sons codex (to villages)
    • -Village Changes
      • Added snake temple (along with a new snake shaman)
      • Added a couple of extra kobold lines
      • Rebalanced some treasures
      • Added Forlorn codexes 1 & 2
    • -Minor Changes
      • Actually made Forlorn armor craftable.
      • Added a couple of extra kobold lines.
    Shadewarp and The Element like this.
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