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Outdated Izku and Dark Izku races with bonus features 5.1

2 Races with evoled form techs, light pets, npc spawners, custom ship, tiered armor weapons/ dungeon

  1. New Object View Screen

    This update adds a new object the Ship view screen, which finally makes how the Izku see out of their ship make sense. There are two versions of this item the Izku view screen and a smaller version the bigger one comes now built into the ship but both are craftable in the basic craft menu

    I am still working on an Izku dungeon but I'll try and keep these smaller updates coming to keep it interesting.

  2. 2nd download site

    This update sadly doesn't add any content but I just learned you needed a google drive account to download my mod so I added a 2nd download site via MediaFire which you don't. The main download link is still via google because they are reliable and I've used them for a long time but for those who don't want to deal with google for a mod I give you options

    2nd Link inside the red box
  3. Izku Captains Chair

    This update the boring vanilla captains chair with an Izku themed one. The new captains chair is the default captains chair in the Izku ship and is also craftable for 1 pixel, hope you like it
  4. Rounded out the front of the ship

    This is just a small update it is just to round out the front of the spaceship since it looked cut off before. I'm still working on a dungeon for the Izku but I keep getting hung up on the coding so sorry no ETA on when that'll be ready yet

  5. New Bigger Ship

    This update takes the old vanilla sized ship and makes it larger with a 2nd floor for all your stuff and swapped out the doors for more theme fitting ones.

  6. Added custom Izku Codexs

    This mod adds five new codexs that explain some things about the species and give some important history information about them. these codexs are located in a second ship locker which I added to Izku ship. Every race needs it's lore and the Izku finally have theirs.[​IMG]
  7. Izku custom Ship!

    The Izku finally have their very own ship! this is something I wanted to have in the initial release version but it took me some time to make the imagery right so up till now they were using a basic vanilla ship as a place holder, but now they have their own to match their personality.



    Also added custom starting quest same goals just Izku specific text and fixed a colour scheme where red was missing...
    shimi kangatagon likes this.
  8. New Balanced Mechs

    As to the requests of making the Izku less OP here is a new mech (still of course coming in the 5 different colour variations) . This new mech is craftable by pressing C and then searching for "tier 1". I left the speed and jump abilities as they were since who wants to explore a planet at a slugs pace but the attack and attack speed have been greatly nerfed the range has also been reduced and an energy cost has been added to the flames, no more infinite wall of fire. Now of course The OP...
  9. Statues

    This update adds three new statue objects to the game, the first statue is of the light monster pet that can float behind your character, the second statue is a generic Izku, and the last statue is one of the evolved form shooting flames. hope you enjoy them.

  10. fixed crash

    Fixed crash with missing item